
Tagged: cold

‪Video: Eliminate Cough, Mucus and Phlegm Production With Foot Feflexology

April 8th, 2020 | cold
hands holding foot on blue blanket

‪Eliminate Coughing, Mucus, and Phlegm Production Now! Respiratory infections like colds, flu, and sinusitis are common causes of increased mucus production. When mucus drips down the back of the throat, it triggers a coughing reflex. Now in the era of COVID19, we have to be more careful than ever to keep our respiratory function healthy […]

Post-Nasal Drip and Congestion Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip

March 3rd, 2020 | cold
woman sneezing

Post-Nasal Drip and Congestion Relief  So many people are looking for relief from that drippy nose that won’t stop dripping! What about that postnasal drip that you are swallowing that is burning your stomach? Is your throat also scratchy? Do you just not feeling well? Relief is here! Why Are There More Respiratory Illnesses in […]

Flu, Cold, Respiratory Relief with Foot Reflexology

February 4th, 2020 | cold
cold medication

Flu, Cold, Respiratory Health Care Did you know that In the USA, more than $1 trillion is spent on health care and medicine, but there are still millions of cases of chronic diseases and illnesses? One way to improve your immune system is to build up your immunity with proper nutrients and rest. Your Immune […]

Video: Fever and Stuffy Nose Relief – Hand Reflexology tip

May 17th, 2019 | cold

Got a fever and sinus congestion? I made a video for one of my subscribers looking for a holistic way to break her fever and get some sinus relief. Sorry if I looked scary. I saw clients from 8:30-6:30pm on the day that I made this video. It was a very long day. Are you […]

Video: Relieve Sinus Congestion with Reflexology

January 2nd, 2019 | cold

Isn’t this a lovely subject – nasal mucus and post nasal drip? You can learn how to break up head congestion caused by a cold by by knowing where to press on your head! Almost everyone encounters post nasal drip when having a cold. For me, a cold always start in my head, then the […]

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