
Tagged: pain relief

Reflexology Services at HealingPlaceMedfield.com

April 19th, 2021 | pain relief

Reflexology Services at HealingPlaceMedfield.com Since 2006, Healing Place has helped 1000’s to regain their health by activating the body’s natural ability to self-heal with the ancient healing modalities, including reflexology, chakra balance, Reiki, and meditation. Are you looking for alternative ways to heal? If traditional medicine is no longer giving you answers or helping you, […]

Video: Ice-Pick Migraine Headache Break-Through

March 17th, 2021 | pain relief
smiling old woman

Finally, a Migraine Headache Break Through!! One of my challenging cases is an unrelenting migraine headache that won’t take a break. I have seen Jean since 2006 off and on for reflexology. Jean has undergone every migraine medical treatment, including Botox, and nothing has helped her for any length of time. Over the years, I experimented […]

Video: Do You Have Ringing of the Ear or Tinnitus? Reflexology Tip

March 15th, 2021 | pain relief
ear reflexology map

Do You Have Ringing of the Ear or Tinnitus? One of five people experience the perception of noise or ringing in one or both ears that can lead to tinnitus. Ringing is caused by damaged or lost sensory or auditory hair cells in the inner ear’s cochlea. We are born with 16,000 hair cells within […]

Video: Dry Eye Relief with Hand Reflexology

February 10th, 2021 | pain relief
one eye

A client of the HealingPlaceMedfield has asked us to make a video that she can do inbetween her regular foot reflexology session to help her to relieve dry eye symptoms.

Video: Gout Pain Relief With Foot Reflexology Tip

February 7th, 2021 | pain relief
pressing on foot reflexology

Video: Gout Relief – Reflexology Tip A client whose husband who has gout is in pain. The gout has affect his feet, specifically in his left big toe. She asked me to show her foot reflexology tip to help him find gout pain relief. What is Gout? Gout is a form of arthritis that can […]

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