
Tagged: wellness

Video: Hormonal Balancing with Hand Reflexology

May 13th, 2020 | wellness
woman with green jacket gets a reflexology session

The Healing Place LLC offers many Reflexology Services including Hormonal Balancing with Foot, Hand, and Ear Reflexology Foot Reflexology Session – This is deep relaxing foot reflexology administered by applying thumb and finger pressure to specific points on the feet. Each specific point corresponds to an internal organ, gland, tissue, or body system. This stress-relieving therapy […]

Reflexology Services in Response to COVID-19

May 11th, 2020 | wellness
man sitting with feet through window

During mandated self-quarantine and social distancing,the added safety protocols will be implemented when the doors to the Healing Place LLC reopens in June 2020.

Video: Liver and kidney Function Support with Hand Reflexology

May 9th, 2020 | wellness
red liver with blue and green

The body contains eleven major body systems, including Integumentary (skin), digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary, lymphatic, circulatory, nervous, muscular,

COVID-19 Healing Ground Meditation

May 2nd, 2020 | wellness
woman meditating outdoors

In modern times, meditation has been seen as a New Age practice, but the art of meditation has a history 5,000 years old.

Be Happy

March 27th, 2020 | wellness
be happy sign

Be Happy Being happy is a choice. We all want to be satisfied, but we think that happiness comes to us through someone else or purchases we made or making money. Happiness has to come from within and not chase elusive rainbows. Happiness is subjective. What makes one person happy may make another upset or […]

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