Course 4: COVID, COPD, Cold, Flu, Respiratory Relief and Support with Video Hand Reflexology plus E-Book: Hand Reflexology Self-Care HealingPlaceEnergySchool Take Steps to Protect Your Respiratory Health with 4-Parts Advanced Hand Reflexology Everyone is afraid of contracting air borne bacteria that can affect their respiratory functions. There are many ways you can protect your health […]

Strong Immune System Starts in your Digestive Tract – Hand Reflexology for Healthy Immunity What goes on in your intestines reflects your ability to fight off harmful and invasive pathogens. Your gut and your immune system are linked! About 70-80% of your immunity lives in your digestive tract. Your intestines are continuously exposed to antigens […]

Simple Steps You Can Do Mindfully to Aid in Your Digestion Process Chew your food! – A saying that I love teaching clients and constantly remind myself as well! I can’t stress the importance of chewing your food thoroughly. Check out our other article “Do I Really Have to Chew 40 times?” Avoid carbonated drinks […]

You can fall asleep and stay asleep with foot Reflexology What are some Insomnia Statistics? According to Snooze University, in the US, 27% of adults, 20% of children and teenagers, and approximately 75% elderly experience insomnia. There are 4 Major Insomnia problems – Acute Insomnia is short-term Insomnia that can last from a few days […]

Having chronic stomach pain? Did you know that various parts of the stomach can cause different types of discomforts? Check out Self-Healing video courses at HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com to learn more about digestive pain! Foot Reflexology for Digestive Relief (IBS, Acid Reflux, Constipation, Slow Digestive Motility) Are you tired of your doctor suggesting what medication you should […]
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