At Healing Place Medfield, our holistic healing tools are Reflexology, Energy Medicine, Reiki and Meditation. Our objectives are to remind the body and mind how to activate self- healing again.
What health issues do we specialize in finding long term relief?
- Digestive Disorders – Our effective therapy addresses chronic digestive problems of the liver and kidney. We have a 95% success rate helping clients suffering from IBS, Leaky Gut, gas, bloating and constipation.
- Chronic Pain – Our holistic healing methods are very effective in reducing the pain associated with restless leg syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Balancing Hormones Naturally – Holistically balancing the hormones associated with irregular or heavy menopause cycle, perimenopause and menopause symptoms and headaches.
- Stress Reduction– Quieting the body so that it is able to de-stress naturally without the aid of medication and encourages deep sleep.
To learn how Healing Place Medfield can help you to find long term relief, call to schedule a free consultation 508 359-6463 or email us at [email protected]
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