Losing weight and keeping it off used to be a real struggle for me. I’ve dabbled in the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, The Zone, and Atkins. I went raw (and back), tried the Master Cleanse and once ate nothing but cabbage soup for a week.

Nothing ever worked long-term. Any weight I lost through dieting always returned, along with some extra pounds. After restricting my food choices for years, I also picked up an eating disorder and depression.

If only I’d known then that I was doomed to fail. According to nutrition expert Dr. Traci Mann, who has studied dieting for over 20 years and runs the Health and Eating Laboratory at the University of Minnesota, all weight loss programs are doomed to fail.

Click here to read the complete article, and feel free to leave any comments on tips that you may have to maintaining a healthy weight. We would love to know!


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