Your morning yogurt could be doing a lot more than just improving your digestive health. According to a new study from the College of William & Mary, probiotics could also help ease your social anxiety.

A team of psychologists surveyed about 700 college students on their eating and exercise habits, personalities, and any social anxiety symptoms they may have experienced.

They found that those who ate more fermented foods had less social anxiety — and the effect was most evident in highly neurotic people.

In other words, among people who described themselves as anxious, those who ate probiotics reported more social behavior. Sounds good to me: snack on some kimchi and feel good at a big party. (You might want to brush your teeth before leaving the house, though.)

While this study could only show correlation and not causation, past studies have shown that probiotics can have an effect on our mood. But the researchers plan to create an experimental version of the study soon.

“I think there is some skepticism that there can be such a profound influence [of the gut on the mind], but the data is quite substantial now,” said co-author Matthew R. Hilimire in a statement.

As a pickle enthusiast, I am thrilled. What do you think?

About the writer -Emi Boscamp is an Associate Editor at MindBodyGreen. She received a BA in English and minors in Spanish and Art History from Cornell University. She lives in the East Village and enjoys cooking, eating, traveling, and writing about all three of those things. She loves anything pickled. And anything punny. (She’s kind of a big dill.)


If you would like to explore how reflexology can help you with your digestive health, please schedule a free consultation with the HealingPlaceMed by calling 508 359-6463.

For the Healing Place Medfield’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healing” click here.

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