I love homemade beet salad. The one that I find at the supermarket is usually too soggy, and it tastes like it has been sitting around for a long time.

There are so many health benefits associated with beets; they can ease many ailments such as anemia, indigestion, constipation, kidney disorders, dandruff, gall bladder disorders, cancer, and heart disease. Beets have been around for 4,000 years and are rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Beets can be used as a salad and soup ingredient, a natural food coloring agent and is a valuable source of sucrose to make refined sugar.

Here is an easy, tasty and nutritious Beet Salad be made in an hour.

Prep time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: Beets – oven roast for 60 minutes
String Beans – cook for 5-7 minutes
Beet greens – 5 minutes
Serves: 6 side or 4 main dishes

Salad Dressing – in a bowl add the following, mix and set aside
1/2 cup of olive oil
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
2 minced cloves of garlic
1/4 cup of maple syrup

Ingredients (you can add more, subtract, or substitute with other vegetables)
One bunch of organic beets with greens, unpeeled (4 large heads, red or golden)
1 cup of cooked string beans
1 cup of sauteed beet greens
1/8 cup of chopped red onion
1/4 cup of chopped red pepper
1/3 cup of toasted chopped walnut
1/4 cup of crumbled blue or Gorgonzola Cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Roasted beets in a 400-degree oven for 60 minutes or until tender (use knife to insert with ease into the thick part of beets). Take out of the oven, cool and then peeled and chopped into bite size.

While roasting, prepare the beet greens by cutting into 2-inch length. Cook in a hot skillet with a tablespoon of olive oil and a clove of garlic, add greens and cook for about 5 minutes until tender and set aside.

Cook string beans – In a pot, boil water, add string beans and cook for about 5-7 minutes for desired tenderness. Then plunge string beans into cold water to stop the cooking process. Cut into 1-inch length. Set aside.

Toast walnuts – You can toast walnuts either in a skillet or the oven. In an oven, spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet and broil for 1 minute. Watch very carefully, all it takes one extra minute, and the walnuts will be black and burnt. In a skillet, on high heat, pour walnuts into a skillet and continue to stir until they are golden. Set aside.

Assemble salad
In a large bowl, add all ingredients and pour mixed dressing and coat all ingredients. Taste best when served at room temperature.


About the recipe creator – Helen Chin Lui is a certified Reflexologist, certified energy medicine practitioner, Reiki Master and teacher. If you are interest how Reflexology and Reiki can help you to alleviate pain, please schedule a FREE consultation online or call  508 359-6463.

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