Gas and Bloating Relief with Hand Reflexology

Digestion begins in the mouth.  Here are simple steps to incorporate daily to help decrease gas and bloating!

Chew your food! – A saying that I love teaching clients and constantly remind myself as well! I can’t stress the importance of chewing your food thoroughly. Check out our other article “Do I Really Have to Chew 40 times?

Avoid carbonated drinks and Limit Your Sugar Intake –  Sugar and added CO2, add air and bubbles to your belly!

Eat Whole Foods – Whole foods keep our digestive system running smoothly, although some whole foods like the cruciferous family (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc.) may actually cause gas and bloating in some- just be mindful.

Eat healthy fats: Healthy fats from eating nuts, olive, fish, flaxseed oils, and avocados

Portion Control – It means exactly as it sounds. Learn to eat less food, and more often. Pushing away from the table is a good practice. Before you know it you will be practice mindful eating.

Drinking plenty of water – It is said it is best to drink half of your weight in ounces.

Keep Moving – Digestion takes a lot of energy to break down food, especially if we’ve overeaten or eating too much fat  Fat takes the longest to digest.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up if you don’t do well one day, start again the next.– Many of us are constantly living in a state of chronic stress, anxiety, and not being present causing our stress hormones to go in overdrive switching into “fight or flight” mode. You are more likely to overeat or reach for your favorite foods. This is when you come back and ask yourself are you really eating for hunger?

Gas and Bloating Relief with Hand Reflexology


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