Replace Letting it Go with Dusting Off Negativity

We all move through life with different expectations, experiences, and stress factors. Learning how to overcome negative thought patterns, stress, and life’s challenges are real. I believe one thing we all can agree upon is that we all have stress. Stress is relative to how well we manage our overall emotional energy fitness.

We all have different levels of emotional energy. It can be high one day and then low the next. Energy fluctuates depending on what is on our minds and what is going on with our family, friends, school, and work. As much as we want to help and give, it is equally important we receive. When we are balanced, we can handle the most difficult situations with robust energy. When days are full of anxiety and emotional upheaval, these can cause visceral effects.

We store all types of good and negative emotional energy within our body. We collect and hold onto all emotional experiences like energized dust particles waiting to be wiped away. For example, we can fondly remember a good experience with love, laughter, and good feelings. In contrast, we remember a trauma, annoyance, or emotional hurt just as intensely as though it’s happening at the moment. Learning how to clean these accumulated energy dust particles takes mindfulness and constant practice.

Managing Energy Dust Particles is Constant. 

When a dreaded memory comes back to you, instead of reacting, stop and breathe. If you don’t react in the usual manner, this signifies that your energy field is “balanced.” Emotional energy can be tricky and can fluctuate minute to minute. By understanding your energy flow, you won’t get trapped and stuck inside one of your energy dust particles. (learn more about energy flow in the 9-part course, Chakra 101: Know Your Energy.)

We can spend years in therapy working on sorting out these emotional feelings. It’s empowering when you understand why you feel certain ways about an experience one day and not so much on another day.

Our memories and experiences vary greatly, and they are complicated. No two people will experience emotions the same way. Many will seek out therapy or alternative holistic treatments to understand, but not all people can afford the luxury of therapy or holistic alternative treatments.

It isn’t easy to look at our personal “dust” collection, nor are we always aware of what we are holding onto. The next time you are triggered and start to feel anxious or emotional, pay attention to your thoughts. I like to call this monkey mind or squirrel brain. Sometimes, I refer to these thought patterns similar to a train running off track, and when we are focused and in a good place, the train is on schedule and on the right track.

Pay Attention to Your Energy Dust Particles

Give yourself the gift of mindfulness and pay attention to your energy dust collection. You don’t have to name it or explain it. If you are in a low energy mood and don’t know why, instead of fighting with your emotions, acknowledge and own them. If you need help, ask for support from your family, friends, or a co-workers. Then do something about it! All the wishing isn’t to be any good if there is no action behind the desire. 

When we start to share these feelings, it is easier to dust them off or say “let it go” – famous words, but not easy to do! I, for one, can feel extremely resentful when someone tells me to “let it go.” Instead, be your own personal house cleaner by “dusting off” a negative emotion. For example, wave your hands over your body while saying, “I’m dusting off negative emotional ___________ particles” (name what you are dusting off.) Then do something to uplift your energy, such as taking a walk.

Need Help With Dusting Off Your Dust Particles?

If you need help with dusting off old cobwebs, reach out to a certified and well-respected therapist, coach, or holistic energy medicine practitioner. The Healing Place is here to help you to dust off your energy dust collection with Reflexology, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, and Meditation. 

About the Writer

woman in gray sweaterRobin Bornstein is a Certified Reiki Master and Certified Kundalini Reiki I, II, and III practitioner. She is also a Certified Meditation Facilitator. Robin has been practicing professional Reiki since 2014. She developed an interest in Reiki out of her own personal spiritual growth and development. Robin specializes in helping children and adults to find relief from stress and pain through Reiki and meditation. 


Healing Place LLC and Make An Appointment with Us

Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages to break pain cycles of chronic pain, chronic digestive problems, and balance hormones naturally. If you would like to learn how Reflexology, Reiki, and Meditation can support your health, please schedule a FREE consultation on the website or call 508.359.6463.

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Want to learn how to better care for yourself and your loved one with holistic medicine? Become a member of the We offer an array of courses: Energy Medicine, Mindful, Reflexology, Meditations, and Self-Awareness that you can take from the privacy of your home. These empowering self-care and self-help classes teach lifelong skills.

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For the Healing Place Medfield’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healing” click here.

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