
Tagged: healingplaceenergyschool

22 Sets of Nerve Endings Located on the Spine

December 27th, 2020 | healingplaceenergyschool

I was taught the spine have 22 sets of nerve ends that are attached to every organ, gland, and body function. Here is another version is this 24 organ spine map. I’m not too sure what is the cabcum. It can be part of the intestines. If you know what it is please share with […]

Wishing You a Happy Holiday

December 24th, 2020 | healingplaceenergyschool

I wish you a happy holiday. In the past I would make dinners like this for my large family at Christmas. Even though we can’t be together this year I wish you joy, peace, health and safety.

Video: Relieve Pounding Migraine Headache with Reflexology

November 22nd, 2020 | healingplaceenergyschool
man holding his head

Due to a change in barometric pressure, a client with a pounding migraine headache called the Healing Place,

Video: Nausea and Dizzy Relief with Hand Reflexology

November 20th, 2020 | healingplaceenergyschool

Nauseous and Dizzy? If you ever felt nauseous and dizzy you know how awful these senssations are esspecially if the nausea, dinzziness is causing you to want to vomit too. Many times sudden dizzy spells are caused by problems related to the inner ear imbalance. Your inner ear is instrumental for maintaining balance, however, when […]

Self Healing Healing Place Energy School Courses and Lessons

November 17th, 2020 | healingplaceenergyschool
lady in pink with other ladies

Self Care Healing Place Energy School Courses and Lessons Let me share with you how courses are created for HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com. It begins with interest. Please let us know if there is something that you would like to learn. All of our lessons are 15-minute segments. All courses may be purchased a-la-carte and it becomes yours […]

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