What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)? It’s the results of overworking your hands by performing repetitive motion tasks through the day.

The stress and strain of constantly doing the same thing with your hands eventually causes the nine tendons that run through the carpal tunnel in your wrist become swollen.

The median nerve and several tendons run from your forearm to your hand through a small space in your wrist called the carpal tunnel.  Tendons swell (swollen tenosynovium) from overuse puts pressure on the median nerve. This pinching can end up causing tingling, numbness and pain in your thumb, index and middle fingers.

There are devices you can purchase that will stretch the tendons or in worse case, surgery may be a solution. Try these hand exercises to stretch your hands and help to prevent overuse.

Hand Exercises

1. Make fists with both hands and hold them tight for several seconds. Then, open the palms fast and spread your fingers. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

2. Rotate your wrists with circle motions. Make 10 circle motions with both wrists, clockwise and counterclockwise.

3. Make circle motion with your thumbs both ways. Do these exercises 10 times.

4. Lift your palm above your head and let them free fall. Practice this exercise 20 times.

5. Press your hands tightly to each other. Your elbows should be shoulder height. With clenched fingers, separate the palms while increasing the distance between joints. The fingers should remain merged all the time while doing this exercise. Then return your hands to their original positions. Repeat 10 times.

These few exercises should be done several times during the day, especially after a heavy physical work or while sitting in front of computer with your hand constantly on the mouse.

These exercises will help you maintain fingers’ and joints’ flexibility. They will also improve circulation and reduce swellings.

Do arm movements as often as you can. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to long repetition of the same movements. If you work long on the computer, then you must buy a bigger mouse. Or in the case for anyone that uses the same motion everyday must practice these stretching exercises.

If you follow these simple exercises and rules you will be able to avoid difficult and unpleasant painful symptoms in your hands, arms and neck.


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