For people who are suffering from either a bad cold, the flu or walking pneumonia, Here is a short hand reflexology video showing you how clear the sinuses, open your lungs, ease the discomfort in your stomach from postal drip. If you would to learn how reflexology can support your health, Contact the Healing Place 5083596463 #Holistichealth #flu #cold #selfcare #wellness #health #healthylifestyle #reflexologyqueen #reiki #chronicillness #health #healthandwellness #pain #painsucks #peaceofmind #painrelief #spoonie #reflexology
— Reflexology Near Me at Healing Place Boston-Medfield Massachusetts providing Reflexology, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Energy Medicine, Healers Program, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Self-Care workshops, Wellness Products and Self-Healing and Stress Reduction Classes available online.
by Helen Chin Lui Certified Reflexologist | Feb 10, 2019 | Wellness | 0 comments

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