Patients suffering from migraine have a “special” placement of C1 with occipital. This is what makes them prone all their life to suffering migrainous crises (usually has a hereditary component).

This placement of C1 with occipital results in a very characteristic deposit in the palpation of the foot (image 1), it is an elongated compact deposit of approximately 1 mm by 2-4 mm.

The treatment protocol must include this deposit. In case migraine attacks have a hormonal, emotional or digestive trigger, should be added to the protocol ovaries, frontal and parietal cortex or stomach / liver depending on each case.

Protocol developed by Dr. J, Manzanares M.D. A medical doctor and Reflexologist.

To learn more how Reflexology services can help to break the Migraine pain cycle, call the Healing Place at 508 359-6463. Relief is only a phone call away.

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