Valentine Day Can be a Day of Self-Love

Valentine’s Day is one of those days that you either observe with love or disdain. When my children were young, I would spend a tremendous amount of time making special foods for them and their dad. I would always make a special dinner and a chocolate cake (see recipe below). For my children’s classmates, I would make chocolate lollipops for them to pass out with their Valentine cards. I miss those days now that my children are adults and have their own lives.

For those who have special people in your life, Valentine’s Day can be a day filled with gestures of love and kindness. If you are going through a romantically challenging time, Valentine’s Day can bring a lot of emotional conflict and pain.

What about people who do not have a “love” ritual or have been valentine-less for a long time? This day could be filled with anxiety.  You are reminded how lonely you are by the constant bombardment of red heart-shaped boxes of candy, flowers, and stuffed animals with “I love you!” signs every place you go.

Most of us either have or are looking for a soul mate. What happens when one isn’t found? Does that mean that there is something wrong with us? No, there isn’t! Instead of looking for someone outside of you, it is time to go inward and find self-validation.

Everyone needs to work on being self-sufficient and having a fulfilling life outside of another person. It’s important whether you have a partner or are single.

Instead of wishing for someone to come into your life, how about enhancing what you already have? If you don’t have a loving partner outside of yourself, how about focusing on the love you have for yourself? How about taking the time to fulfill your needs?

Self- Love Tips

1.   Say something kind to yourself today. Ask yourself, what do I love about myself? Can you list ten traits you like about yourself? Recite your list to yourself while standing in front of a mirror.

2.   Learn not to overextend yourself and how to say, “No.” As much as we want to do for everyone else, how about saying “no” when you don’t feel like doing something or going somewhere?

3.    Stop self-judging. This task is a hard one for women. Declare yourself a Judgment Free zone.

4.    Find joy. Do something every day that gives you pleasure. Don’t wait for someone to make you happy. Make yourself happy.

5.    Treat yourself like you are your own best friend. 

How Do You Support Yourself on Your Life Journey?

Reiki Master and Meditation Practitioner Robin Kemp Bornstein and Certified Reflexologist and Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui discuss what we do everyday to keep our energy uplifted and flowing.

Take time and reflect on who you are.

About the Writer

Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine and Reiki Practitioner. She is the owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC in Medfield, MA. She specializes in helping adults and children to find long-lasting relief from chronic pain, digestive issues and heal hormonal imbalances naturally.

For her free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healingclick here.

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Helen Chin Lui’s Books

 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAIf you would like to learn more about personal energy flow, or Reflexology techniques, get copies of Helen’s Books Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine orFoot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation

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