Stress and Anxiety Relieving Foot Reflexology

Healing Place has been seeing clients of all ages since 2006. We help people find relief from chronic anxiety, stress, digestive problems, chronic pain, and naturally balance hormones. On average, Healing Place can help break a pain cycle in 3 reflexology sessions. Ten-year-old Emma gave us a Toe-Up for the calm feeling she achieved with the help of reflexology. Emma has been experiencing anxiety attacks for the past year, and she found that reflexology is the only method that helps calm her nerve and helps her focus.

What Do Stress and Anxiety Do To You In the Long Run

Anxiety triggers your flight-or-fight response and releases chemicals and hormones from your adrenals. In the short term, your pulse and breathing rate increase, more oxygen is pumped into your brain to prepare your body to get you out of danger. The flight-or-fight response is helpful when needed, but when it’s constant and can’t turn off, leaving you on high alert, exhausted, and drained.

When you begin to feel anxious, you can stop the flight-or-fight response before overtaking you. The HealingPlaceEnergySchool teaches how to manage energy flow with deep breathing, meditation, reflexology, self-care prescription, and mindfulness in a 5-part course Managing Stress and Anxiety with Mindfulness.

About the Instructor, Writer, Reflexologist, Author and Filmmaker

helen giving reflexology Reflexology Healing Medfield MAHelen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master, and teacher. She is the owner of Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC.


Healing Place LLC

Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages break the pain cycles of chronic pain and chronic digestive problems and naturally balances hormones. If you would like to learn how Reflexology can support your health, please schedule a FREE consultation on the website or call 508.359.6463.

Healing Place Energy School LLC

Want to learn how to better care for yourself and your loved one with holistic medicine? Become a member ofĀ We offer courses in self-care courses: Energy Medicine, Mindful, Reflexology, Meditations, and Self-Awareness. All courses are taken from the privacy of your home. These are empowering self-care and self-help classes that teach lifelong skills.

Helen books know your chakras and foot reflexologyHelen Chin Lui’s Books

Get Helenā€™s Books today and share the knowledge.Ā Know Your ChakrasĀ andĀ Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation.

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