
Joy and happiness are pleasant emotions, but they don’t mean the same thing. While happiness is an emotion of contentment and satisfaction, joyful living involves a broader experience that explores the fullness of life.Ā You can have both joy and happiness.

Joyful living means understanding our emotions, learning to accept ourselves and others, experiencing a connection with nature, and developing compassion. It’s so much more than just being happy – it’s about feeling alive! Joyful living is a way of life that can help us appreciate all the little moments of our lives and find the wonder in things we take for granted or do not see. Even when times are tough, joyful living gives us strength and resilience to move forward with hope. So take a breath, be mindful, and enjoy the joyful journey of life! Ā 

What is Joy?

Joy is a deep, intense emotion that comes from within and involves an appreciation of life and beauty. It’s a feeling we experience when our souls are touched by something that has meaning or significance. On the other hand, happiness is an emotion that comes and goes. It’s often prompted by positive events, like getting accepted into a school or job we want. While happiness can be joyful, happiness is more of a response than an actual emotion. Ā 

How is Joy Different from Happiness?

Joy is more of a natural state than happiness; it’s something that we feel when we let go of our worries and appreciate our life. In joyful moments, we are present and recognize how precious this time is. We can find joy even when things are complicated because joy doesn’t come from happy outcomes but from an awareness of life and its beauty. Joy is something that we should seek out even when it seems elusive. When we look for joy, we create space to appreciate what we have and find moments of peace. We don’t need to force happiness; joyful moments can be found anywhere if we take the time to check how we feel internally. No matter how hard life may seem, choose joy over happiness and allow yourself to feel the peace and appreciation it brings. With joyful moments, we can shift our perspectives and create a positive outlook on life! Ā 

Recognizing Gratitude

Take the time to appreciate joyful moments and experience the peace that comes with them. Being joyful will add richness and depth to your lifeā€”it doesn’t have to be fleeting or forced! Embrace each joyous moment, no matter how small it may seem, and allow yourself to feel the contentment that comes with it. It is important to remember that joyful moments and happy moments do not have to be mutually exclusive. We can enjoy joyful, peaceful moments while recognizing that happiness comes in different forms and at unexpected times. These joyful moments can help us better appreciate our lives and give us the strength to face any challenge that may come our way. Ā 

Being Mindful and Content

Lets us remember that joyful moments can bring us closer to a greater sense of happiness. They remind us that even in the most challenging times, we can feel cheerful and content when we open ourselves up to true joy and peace of mind. Ā 

About the Instructor, Writer, Reflexologist, Author and Filmmaker

helen giving reflexology Reflexology Healing Medfield MAHelen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master, and teacher. She is the owner of Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC.



Healing Place LLC

Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages break the pain cycles of chronic pain and chronic digestive problems and naturally balances hormones. If you would like to learn how Reflexology can support your health, please schedule a FREE consultation on the HealingPlaceMedfield.com website or call 508.359.6463.


Healing Place Energy School LLC

Want to learn how to better care for yourself and your loved one with holistic medicine? Become a member ofĀ HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com. We offer courses in self-care courses: Energy Medicine, Mindful, Reflexology, Meditations, and Self-Awareness. All courses are taken from the privacy of your home. These are empowering self-care and self-help classes that teach lifelong skills.

Helen books know your chakras and foot reflexologyHelen Chin Lui’s Books

Get Helenā€™s Books today and share the knowledge.Ā Know Your ChakrasĀ andĀ Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation.



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