Needed Self Care During Pandemic

We are all doing our part to control the growth of pandemic by practicing self-quarantine and social distancing; the sooner we can resume some level of normalcy. I am hoping very much you are comfortable and safe in your home and with your family.

I think life will be better once the pandemic is in control. People will have a new appreciation for the small things and take the time to enjoy them. I have seen some truly creative and innovative changes in the way we live. It reminds me of life before electronics when it was less complicated. I am also rediscovering things that I love doing that I haven’t had much time to do in years.

Fun Things You Can Do at Home

chicken with tomatos and peasCreative Cooking

My love for cooking and baking has ignited. Cooking is a critical skill to while being quarantined. Whereas it is so easy to do a take out, now food preparation is being done in the home. You don’t have to be a skilled chef. There are many apps to help create fast, easy, and tasty dishes with ingredients that you have on hand. I just found an app called Yum. I am thinking of making Thai Sticky Chicken dish. I will let you know if I make it and how it came out. For the fun,

For fun I decided to create a cooking show for  you. It has been about 5 years since my last cooking show. In this episode I made Asian Chicken with Tomatoes and Peas.

stress woman holding headTake an HealingPlaceEnergySchool Online Class

Since March 13, I have been creating more self-care and self-healing online classes for the I am so pleased to offer full access to all of my courses to help you to awaken your natural ability to self -heal. During your membership month, you may take as many courses as you like. We have a selection of Reflexology, Chakra Balancing, Mindfulness, self-care and Meditations to choose from. Many of the courses come with healing meditation, downloadable manuals, and exercises to support your learning. All this knowledge for $25 a month.

For April we are featuring Manage Stress and Anxiety with Mindfulness is the perfect course to take if you are experiencing a lot of fears and anxiousness about the current situation and your health. For a preview of this course:

helen smiling signe nelson smilingPodcast

In addition to creating courses, I have been interviewing holistic healers about their healing modalities. Watch for these interviews either on Facebook or our Youtube channels. I love this talk “Laughter with Two Kick Butt Goddesses” Feng Sui Practitioner Signe Nelson and I laughed not only with each other but also with our audience. For more podcasts

girl lying on hammockAllow Yourself to Downtime

Give myself permission NOT to do anything is beyond difficult! The first week was especially unsettling; by the fourth week, I am getting the feeling of what retirement may feel like.  I have worked since I was 12 years old, and downtime feels like a lazy time for me. I know that downtime is essential for replenishing, regrouping, and creativity. I am sleeping better than I have in years

The list of what you can do during this downtime is endless. Pick one and then do with desire and zest. Quiet time will end soon enough and then you will wonder why didn’t you make time for yourself.

In the meantime, stay well and safe.

About the Writer and Film Maker

woman in red shirt doing reflexologyHelen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine, and Reiki Practitioner. She is the owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC in Medfield, MA. She specializes in helping adults and children to find long-lasting relief from chronic pain, digestive issues, and heal hormonal imbalances naturally. To learn more about Helen’s work, visit her website or

Healing Place Energy School LLC

Learn more in-depth hand and foot reflexology from the privacy of your home by going to Become a member as little as $10 a month. We offer Reflexology, chakra, self care, meditation, reiki courses.

Helen Chin Lui’s Books

 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAIf you would like to learn more about personal energy flow, or Reflexology techniques, get copies of Helen’s Books Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine or Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation


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