You can find nausea and dizziness relief with Reflexology! There are only several reflexology points on the hands to press, and you will feel better before you know it.


Reflexology is a practice that involves applying pressure to specific points on the hands and feet to promote relaxation and well-being. Many people find reflexology helpful for managing symptoms and promoting overall relaxation.

If you are feeling nauseous and dizzy, try these easy reflexology points on both hands to relieve nausea and dizziness

Finger and thumb Reflexology points:

    • Massage each finger and thumb from the tip to the base to ease nausea. 15 seconds for each finger and thumb


Thumb Base Reflexology Point:

    • Press the point at the base of the thumb, on the palm side of the hand to ease tension in the neck.
    • Massage with circular motion for 15-25 seconds


Inner Wrist Reflexology Point:

    • Apply pressure to the inner side of the wrist, in line with the little finger, to ease the queasy feeling in the diaphragm area.Ā 
    • Massage using gentle, circular motions for a minute.Ā 


Tip ofĀ  Fingers and Thumbs Reflexology Points:

    • Focus on the tip of each finger to reduce dizziness.
    • Apply pressure and massage in a circular motion for 15 seconds per finger and thumb.Ā 


If your symptoms persist or worsen, please seek medical advice. Reflexology is a holistic healing method but not a substitute for traditional medical care.

Many times, dizziness and nausea are caused by dehydration. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.Ā Ā 


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA

Stop Nausea and Dizziness with Home Hand Reflexology Course, PLUS an accompanying E-Book.

Try hand reflexology to ease nausea and dizziness. What will you learn from this self-healing course:

  • How to Use Your Thumbs and Fingers in a Reflexology Session 2:32 minutes
  • Step by Step Hand Reflexology To Release Stress and Anxiety 18:41,
  • Hand reflexology map
  • Accompanying illustrated PDF E-book



For more details


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MASale “SAVE10” on all HealingPlaceEnergySchool online holistic healer’s courses Until January 31, 2024


For more details aboutĀ Manage Stress and Anxiety with Mindfulness, Chakra Balancing, Reflexology and Meditation



Disclaimer: It’s essential to note that reflexology is a complementary therapy and not a substitution for medical treatment. If you have psoriasis or eczema, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive treatment plan. If you have questions, communicate with your healthcare provider before trying complementary therapies to ensure they are safe and suitable for your specific health situation.


helen chin luiAbout the Writer, Teacher, and Film Maker

Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine, and Reiki Practitioner. She is the owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC in Medfield, MA. She specializes in helping adults and children to find long-lasting relief from chronic pain, digestive issues, and heal hormonal imbalances naturally.




 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAHealing Place LLC

Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages break the pain cycles of chronic pain and chronic digestive problems and balances hormones naturally. If you would like to learn how Reflexology can support your health, please schedule a FREE consultation on the website or call us (508) 359-6463. Too far to come to Medfield, MA? Look for a Certified Reflexologist in your town and state.


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAHealing Place Energy School

Learn more in-depth hand and foot reflexology from the privacy of your home by going to HealingPlaceEnergySchool. We offer Reflexology, chakra, self care, meditation, reiki courses.



Helen Chin Lui’s Books

 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAIf you would like to learn more about personal energy flow, or Reflexology techniques, get copies of Helen’s Books Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine or Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation


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