No, but Reflexology can support any kidney functions with the touch of the thumbs and fingers. Approximately 15%Ā  37 million US adults have chronic kidney disease and many do not know they have kidney problems until it is in advanced stages.


What do Kidneys do 24-7?

Kidneys are a unique filter system for your body. TheyĀ remove waste products from the blood and produce urine. They also control the levels of many substances in the blood and help to control your blood pressure.


What Happens Kidneys Begin to Fail or Die?


it can lead to serious health consequences. Kidney failure can occur suddenly (acute kidney failure) or gradually over time (chronic kidney disease). Here’s what happens when the kidneys start to fail:

  1. Decreased Filtration:Ā The kidneys’ primary function is filtering waste and excess blood fluids to produce urine. When the kidneys begin to fail, they become less efficient at filtering waste products, leading to a buildup of toxins and waste in the bloodstream.
  2. Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance:Ā Healthy kidneys help maintain the body’s balance of fluids and electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium). When the kidneys fail, fluid retention, electrolyte imbalances, and abnormal mineral levels in the blood can occur.
  3. Decreased Urine Production:Ā As kidney function declines, the amount of urine produced by the body may decrease, resulting in reduced frequency of urination, dark-colored urine, or even complete cessation of urine production in severe cases.
  4. Increased Blood Pressure:Ā Healthy kidneys play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure by controlling the balance of fluids and releasing hormones that help manage blood pressure. When the kidneys fail, blood pressure can rise, leading to hypertension, which further damages the kidneys in a vicious cycle.
  5. Anemia:Ā The kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. When kidney function declines, erythropoietin production decreases, decreasing red blood cell production and anemia, which can cause fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms.
  6. Bone Health Issues:Ā Healthy kidneys help regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. When the kidneys fail, there can be disturbances in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, leading to bone mineral imbalances and an increased risk of bone disease, such as osteoporosis.
  7. Toxic Buildup:Ā As kidney function declines, toxins and waste products accumulate in the bloodstream, leading to uremia. Uremia can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, itching, muscle cramps, and cognitive impairment.
  8. Complications:Ā Kidney failure can lead to various complications, including cardiovascular disease, fluid overload, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, and compromised immune function. If left untreated, kidney failure can progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), which requires dialysis or kidney transplantation to sustain life.


How to Care for Your Kidneys

  1. Monitor blood pressure.Ā 
  2. Exercise regularly.Ā 
  3. Manage blood sugar.
  4. Eat a balanced diet.Ā 
  5. Stay well hydrated.Ā 
  6. Stop smoking.Ā 
  7. Limit OTC medication use.
  8. Try Reflexology



Dying Kidneys? try Reflexology for Diabetes-Related Kidney Health Tip


Reflexology Support Kidney Functions with Online Home Course: Kidney Stone PAIN RELIEF with Foot Reflexology


Kidney and Gallbladder Support Kidney and Bile Stone with Foot Reflexology Video Course includes:

  • Reflexology Foot Map
  • Step by Step Foot Reflexology to Support Kidneys to Support Health and Prevent Kidney Stones (23:23 minutes)
  • An extensive illustrated, downloadable PDF E-bookĀ 

Ā Ā 

Ā Few Reflexology Benefits:

  • A feeling of deep calmness, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
  • Promotes homeostasis – balances the normalization of all body systems
  • Promotes circulation and encourages the removal of toxins
  • Reduces stress and promotes deep relaxation
  • Increases the sense of well-being


Ā Click for more details. and to enroll todayt


Reflexology Disclaimer

ReflexologyĀ does notĀ replace traditional medicine. Please check with your doctor if you have any concerns about your kidney function. Reflexology can help achieve good health.



helen chin luiAbout the Writer, Teacher, and Film Maker

Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine, and Reiki Practitioner. She is the owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC in Medfield, MA. She specializes in helping adults and children to find long-lasting relief from chronic pain, digestive issues, and heal hormonal imbalances naturally.




 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAHealing Place LLC

Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages break the pain cycles of chronic pain and chronic digestive problems and balances hormones naturally. If you would like to learn how Reflexology can support your health, please schedule a FREE consultation on the website or call us (508) 359-6463. Too far to come to Medfield, MA? Look for a Certified Reflexologist in your town and state.


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAHealing Place Energy School

Learn more in-depth hand and foot reflexology from the privacy of your home by going to We offer Reflexology, chakra, self care, meditation, reiki courses.



Helen Chin Lui’s Books

 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAIf you would like to learn more about personal energy flow, or Reflexology techniques, get copies of Helen’s Books Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine or Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation



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