There comes a moment in each person’s life when we start to wonder what the meaning of life is. Why are we here? What is my purpose? For many, the question comes at the midpoint of our lives, and we want to redefine ourselves.
During my mid-life, I worked as an Office Manager for a small non-profit organization. The job was fun, challenging, and creative at first, but as the years went by, it became stressful and demanding. Any original thoughts I had about helping the company grow or improve got squashed while traveling through the corporate hierarchy. My voice was no longer heard or valued.
The job became “a job,” a paycheck, and a place to go. The people I worked with were great, and I loved most of them, but the environment was chaotic and extremely toxic, and it grew worse each year. No one could agree on policies or systems because everyone feared making a wrong decision. We would meet to discuss the most minor topics, such as what color toilet paper to buy. (Yes, that was an agenda item for the meeting.) We would meet for the sake of meeting because no one could decide.
Eventually, I understood it was time to go when I realized there was no satisfaction in the job and that I was only trudging on out of routine, a paycheck, and fulfilling my workaholic tendencies.
I wanted to go but was too lazy to start looking for a new job. I didn’t want to change my routine. I didn’t want to learn to “groove” with new people. There were many excuses, and even though I recognized my spirit was dying, I still did nothing about it.
Then the signs to go started appearing! Usually, I am a healthy person, going years without catching common ailments. By the third year of my employment, until the time to leave, I would catch two or three ailments a year: colds, flu, frozen shoulder, tendonitis in both elbows, chronic yeast infections, and numerous sciatica flare-ups. The staff would name the office’s ailments after me, “Chin-Lui Flu” or Chin-Lui Cold. Funny, but NOT!
With each doctor’s visit, there was no real explanation other than I overused my limbs. I was too stressed. I was exposed to too many allergens. My doctors gave me medication and prescriptions for physical therapy. So, I followed the traditional way of healing. After a while, the medicines didn’t help anymore. My body began to weaken. I didn’t want to listen to my body, but I was willing to fight my illnesses so that I could go to work every day.
My body told me it was time to leave, but where? As dysfunctional as the job was, it had all the correct appearance of a great job. It paid well and had reasonable time demands. The proximity to my house was just right. But I was so UNHAPPY!
To add to my stress, a loved one who is dear to my heart started to get sick. His health issue began with a thyroid condition that went undiagnosed by the doctors. It took almost 2 years to correct his health issue. Just as he was getting better, his physical health issue turned into an emotional issue. The emotional issue started as a young teenager when he didn’t have control or time to adapt to his rapidly growing body.
During these difficult years, we saw various doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, cognitive behavior specialists, and internists—doctor after doctor for OCD, depression, and anxiety. No one had real answers, but they were ready to dispense strong medication, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Each prescription took time before we knew if it worked or not. Eventually, all medication took a toll on his body, mind, and spirit.
As time passed, frustration turned into agony, anger, and despair. We hit the wall with traditional medicine. The symptoms became worse. We eventually ran out of people to ask for help.
I knew it was time to turn to God and the universe for help. I couldn’t stand to see my loved one suffer anymore. I asked for God’s assistance.
How I Become a Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Chakra Balancing Practitioner
My prayers were answered in three ways –
First Prayer: While searching for the right doctor to help my loved one, I met a psychologist (I can’t remember her name) who suggested that he test for food allergies. She believed that food allergies could cause a variety of health, anxiety, and emotional problems.
She was right!
Even though he ate well, we learned that my loved one was deficient in many nutrients, especially Vitamin D. He was also allergic to wheat and gluten. To kill off food allergens, he changed his eating habits by incorporating a new diet that was gluten-free, less dairy, and minimal sugar.
It took two years for nutrient deficiencies to disappear. His mood improved, his anxiety decreased, and his obsessive-compulsive tendencies became manageable. Today, my loved one lives a productive life. He is employed in the traditional health industry and plans to further his education in the medical field.
Second Prayer: Through all of these health issues, I started to explore alternative healing after friends suggested it may be helpful to my loved one. It began with Reiki training in 2004, then Reflexology training in 2005, and Energy Medicine or Chakra Balancing training in 2006. I learned how powerful these healing modalities are and how they CAN activate the body’s natural self-healing ability.
I discovered the secret to reclaiming our healing powers was being proactive rather than reactive! We all have the ability to self-heal, and we have more healing knowledge than we think. We still need both traditional medicine and energy medicine to heal from a cellular level.
Third Prayer: What happened to my job? The universe answered that prayer too. The company went through many changes during my last months of employment. Many positions were either downsized or eliminated. My position was downgraded to a part-time position. I could have stayed with benefits, but after thinking long and hard about my choice, I knew in my heart that it was time to go. The signs were too obvious. With my husband and sons’ blessings, I gave my two-week notice. I left on Friday, September 9, 2006, and gave myself the weekend off. I established my healing business, the Healing Place, on Monday, September 11, 2006. As of 2018, the non-profit no longer exists and was brought out. (Karma.)
Listen and Follow Through
I am so thankful that God helped me make the decision to leave. At the time, I wanted to stay at my old job for another year, but he had other plans for me. The knowledge I gathered during the difficult years gave me wisdom and insights into how I can help others who don’t know where to turn, feel powerless, and are suffering quietly and alone.
I thank myself for having the courage to listen to my heart and soul. I took a couple of deep breaths and a huge leap of faith, and I have never looked back.
I am about to celebrate my 19th year at Healing Place LLC and my 8th year at Healing Place Energy School LLC. I have helped thousands of people feel better and shown them how to activate their self-healing abilities.
I am grateful.
About the Writer, Teacher, and Film Maker
Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine, and Reiki Practitioner. She is the owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC in Medfield, MA. She specializes in helping adults and children to find long-lasting relief from chronic pain, digestive issues, and heal hormonal imbalances naturally.
Healing Place LLC
Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages break the pain cycles of chronic pain and chronic digestive problems and balances hormones naturally. If you would like to learn how Reflexology can support your health, please schedule a FREE consultation on the website or call us (508) 359-6463. Too far to come to Medfield, MA? Look for a Certified Reflexologist in your town and state.
Healing Place Energy School
Learn more in-depth hand and foot reflexology from the privacy of your home by going to HealingPlaceEnergySchool. We offer Reflexology, chakra, self care, meditation, reiki courses.
Helen Chin Lui’s Books
If you would like to learn more about personal energy flow, or Reflexology techniques, get copies of Helen’s Books Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine or Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation
Get Helen’s Free Digestive Health E-Booklet
For Helen’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healing”
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