Yes you can break the migraine pain cycle with face reflexology. Give yourself a 10 minute face Reflexology session and you will improved circulation, move toxins and sinus buildup while breaking migraine headache pain. Here are some thoughts on face...
Arrival of a 2024, marks another new year for a symbolic opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. New Year serves as a natural checkpoint, prompting individuals to reflect on the past and contemplate the future. Many people embrace the concept of New...
One day upon awakening something feels different, but you don’t know what it is! Everything and everyone is ignoring you. You feel sick, but you are not. A physical and emotional health issue often indicates that your soul is calling out to you to make...
If you feel trapped or emotionally enslaved? You can break the negative emotion cycle with mindfulness and chakra balancing. What Does it Mean to be an Emotional Enslaved? It’s a common human experience to be overwhelmed by feelings that seem to control us...
As the lights twinkle and the air fills with holiday activities, we celebrate another festive season—a time to gather with family while reflecting on what we did this year and as we are reminded of our gratitude list. Amidst our bustling lives, the holidays...
The Healing Place LLC helps all ages to find relief from chronic pain, chronic digestive problems and balance hormones naturally. We practice COVID19 safety. Don’t forget to check on our online school Thank you.
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