Can’t Lose Weight? Could You be #InsulinResistant! Try #FootReflexologyforDiabetes #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
If you can’t lose weight and constantly gaining, but your diet has stayed the same? Are you tired all of the time? Are you always looking for something sweet to eat? You might be insulin resistant because your pancreas can no longer produce enough hormones to...
Increase Digestion Function with #FootReflexology #IncreaseDigestiveFunctionwithFoot Reflexology #Foot Reflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Does it feel like food is sitting in your stomach for hours after eating? Various factors can cause slow digestion. If you are tired of gas, bloating, and digestion pain, even after small meals, try foot reflexology for digestive pain relief. There are several...
Keep Your Aura Whole and Healthy #EnergyMedicine #Mindfulness #ChakraBalancing #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
How often do you feel out of sorts? You are then easily offended, and your feelings are hurt? You can move that sluggish, blocked energy and protect your aura. Keep Your Aura Whole and Healthy We are magnetic, energy-charged beings that can detect the slightest...
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