Holistic Medicine News
Empower. Teach. Heal.
The Healing Place – Boston-Medfield, Massachusetts USA
The Latest Posts from The Healing Place’s News Blog
Healing Place Chronic Digestive and Chronic Pain Relief Specialist
Are you tired of being sick? Traditional medicine isn't enough anymore? Do you feel that there is something else you can do? Want to be proactive with your wellness plan? Here is Help! The Healing Place has been teaching clients since 2006 how to activate their...
Master Liver Detoxing Drink to Cleanse Your Liver
Here is a recipe for the Master Liver Detoxing drink that I am drinking all 14 days of my liver detoxing. Some people can drink up to 128 oz a day (1 gallon), but I'm good at 32oz. Even though I know this drink is helping me, I am not a fan of this lemon-aide detoxing...
Conscious Choices For Healthy Living
Healthy Habits Begin Today It's never too early or too late to be healthy, but not everyone knows where to start. A combination of diet, exercise, and work-life balance, can go a long way toward improving the quality of your life. There are so many choices you can...
Self Care and Personal Growth Practices that You Can Start Today – Energy Medicine Tips
Now that we are heading towards the end of the year. It is a time of reflection, and many of us begin thinking about our New Year’s resolutions and how we can evolve into a different person.
Healing Place Celebrates 15th Anniversary
Healing Place's Milestone - 15th anniversary I am honored to celebrate the Healing Place’s 15th anniversary. What an achievement! When I began in 2006, I wore many hats; I was not only a service provider, but also the administrative assistant, accountant, customer...
Bridge Pose Strengthens Your Core and Your 7 Chakras
Strengthen Your Core and Chakras with the Bridge Pose The bridge pose is an exercise I do regularly strengthens my core and my 7 main Chakra centers. See picture. Your Main Chakras Live Where? The 7 main Chakras lives on the spine from the crown to the groin area. In...
10 Acupressure Points To Cure Tennis Elbow
Relieve Tennis Elbow Pain Now arises the question of how to treat tennis elbow. Although, medication and surgery are popular options for treating this problem, but there is another effective self-healing method that works really well as a natural cure for tennis...
Heartburn and Acid Reflux Relief with Hand Reflexology
Heartburn and Acid Reflux Relief with Hand Reflexology Heartburn, despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. It is a digestive problem that occurs when stomach acid comes into contact with the lining of the esophagus. The acid content of the stomach...
Reiki Healing Meditation Podcasts
Invitation to Tuesday, 7pm EST Live Reiki Healing Meditation Reiki Masters Robin Bornstein and Helen Chin Lui invite you to our weekly Tuesday, 7pm EST Live Reiki Healing Meditation. Robin and Helen have been co-hosting since March 2020. Our first broadcast was a...
Balance Blood Sugar with Foot #Reflexology #diabetes #bloodsugar #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool. https://youtu.be/BpJ_uevmwEc
Balance Blood Sugar with Foot #Reflexology #diabetes #bloodsugar #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool. https://youtu.be/BpJ_uevmwEc
Reiki to Heal Worrying. #stopworrying #wellness #stopfear #reikihealings #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool https://youtu.be/2wSmH7Nbd5w
Reiki to Heal Worrying. #stopworrying #wellness #stopfear #reikihealings #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool https://youtu.be/2wSmH7Nbd5w
The Secret of Happiness is to be FREE OF FEAR. Fear is a toxin that runs through most of our conscious and even unconscious thinking. FEAR feeds on insecurities, feelings of loss and loneliness, inadequacies and attachments. FEAR makes us question our abilities and our self worth. It will prevent you from reaching your goals if you let it into your thoughts. Remember what you think will be your reality.
The Secret of Happiness is to be FREE OF FEAR. Fear is a toxin that runs through most of our conscious and even unconscious thinking. FEAR feeds on insecurities, feelings of loss and loneliness, inadequacies and attachments. FEAR makes us question our abilities and...
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