Holistic Medicine News
Empower. Teach. Heal.
The Healing Place – Boston-Medfield, Massachusetts USA
The Latest Posts from The Healing Place’s News Blog
Chronic Cough Relief with Hand Reflexology #CoughReliefWithHandReflexology #ReflexologyNearMe #SelfCareReflexology #StopCoughingatNight
Everyone experiences coughing from time to time. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways of irritants, mucus, or foreign substances. It is a protective mechanism designed to keep the respiratory system healthy. Are you tired of coughing? Is...
Gluten in Medication #SupportDigestionWithReflexology #ReflexologyNearMe #CeliacSupportWithReflexology
Reflexology and Celiac Support At the Healing Place LLC in Medfield, MA we see many clients with various seasonal, environmental, and food-related allergies. One client mentioned that her friend had a celiac flare-up after using a nasal spray containing gluten. I knew...
Give Yourself a #MigrainePainRelief with #FacialReflexology #ReflexologyNearMe #SelfCare #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Are you curious how to relieve your migraine pain with a facial reflexology session? It is easy and painless with just the touch of your fingers. Help yourself and your loved one to relieve pain with Face Reflexology! What is Reflexology? Ancient healing...
How Can #FootReflexology Improve Asthma, COPD #LungFunction #ReflexologyforLungFunctionandDeepBreathing #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Are you looking for relief from Asthma? COPD? Emphysema? Bronchitis? Try Reflexology to find relief from respiratory problems. More than 34 million Americans live with chronic lung diseases like asthma and COPD, which include emphysema and chronic...
Can #FootReflexology help with Brain Injury? #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe #SelfCare #Reflexology
Do you have persistent headaches or headaches that worsen? Or do you have convulsions or seizures? Or dilation of one or both eye pupils? You might have a brain injury. Try Reflexology to increase blood circulation to heal the body. According to the Center for...
Can #Mouthguard Cause #ChronicCankerSores? #FootReflexologyforCankers #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Can your mouthguard be the cause of chronic canker sores? Once your canker sore heals, do you get new ones? Is eating become too difficult and painful because of chronic canker sores? What are Canker Sores? Herpetic stomatitis is a viral mouth infection that...
Manage Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and GERD with #HandReflexology #ManageHeartburnAcidRefluxandGERD #Selfcare #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Approximately 20% of the population in the United States experiences acid reflux, heartburn symptoms and around 60% of adults experience some form of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms weekly. Acid reflux and heartburn are common conditions affecting...
Happy Father’s Day to Dads Everywhere #FathersDay #DadsEverywhere #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
First Father's Day celebration occurred on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother's Day official. Father's Day was established in the early 20th century by Sonora Smart Dodd, from Spokane, Washington. Sonora's dad,...
You Can Avoid #Tinnitus with #EarReflexology and #Mindfulness #TinnitusReliefWithEarReflexology #SelfHelpEarReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Tinnitus is a common condition that affects approximately 10 to 15% of the worldwide population. Don't become a statistic! You can avoid losing your hearing or developing Tinnitus by being mindful! Support your hearing with Ear Reflexology. Many people take...
Daily Healthy Kidney Habits with #FootReflexology #HealthyKidneys #SupportKidneyFunctionsNaturally #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Kidney disease is a significant global health issue affecting 850 million worldwide. Are you one of 850 million? You can support your kidney functions with Foot Reflexology! Chronic kidney disease is a long-term condition characterized by gradually losing...
Healthy Thyroid Function with #FootReflexology #HealthyThyroidFunction #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Do you know how your thyroid functions? And why you need foot Reflexology to support thyroid health! Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland situated at the base of the front of your neck, just below your Adam's apple. Hormones produced by the thyroid...
Break #ChronicMigraine with #EarFaceHeadReflexology #ReflexologyNearMe #SelfCare #HealingPlacceEnergySchool
Do you want to break chronic migraine headaches cycles? It is possible to break the pain cycle with the touch of your fingers and thumbs with Ear, Face, and Head Reflexology Chronic Migraine Headaches affect approximately 2% of the world’s population, including...
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