Can Ionic Detox Foot Bath Therapy be Helpful to Your Health? #ReflexologyNearMe #IonicDetoxFootBathNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Can Ionic Detox Foot Bath Therapy be Helpful to Your Health? #ReflexologyNearMe #IonicDetoxFootBathNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

  Yes, an ionic detox foot bath can release toxin and manage the body’s bio-energy by rebalancing the cells’ positive and negative ions. Who doesn’t want a healthy body that can function optimally? The feet have over 15,000 nerve endings and...
Is Edema Overwhelming You? Try #Reflexology for #Edema Relief #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ChronicKidneyDisease

Is Edema Overwhelming You? Try #Reflexology for #Edema Relief #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ChronicKidneyDisease

Edema can happen anywhere in the body, including arms, hands, legs, ankles, and feet! Yes, Reflexology can relieve edema while supporting kidney functions. Reflexology has helped many people find swelling and pain relief while supporting kidney functions.    What...
Can You Heal Your Soul Pain with Energy Medicine? #SoulPainwithChakraBalancing #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Can You Heal Your Soul Pain with Energy Medicine? #SoulPainwithChakraBalancing #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

  Yes, Energy Medicine can help to heal soul pain with mindful energy medicine practices that you can easily incorporate into your daily life.   Heal Your Soul of a Lifetime Pain with Mindful Energy Medicine. How often do you feel your soul is wounded, but we...
Can #EarReflexology Relieve #VertigoPain Caused by Misplaced Ear Crystals #ReflexologyNearMe #EarCrystals

Can #EarReflexology Relieve #VertigoPain Caused by Misplaced Ear Crystals #ReflexologyNearMe #EarCrystals

  Yes, Reflexology can help relieve vertigo pain in some cases. Many think that Vertigo is associated with sickness or exposure to loud noise but there is a possibility that the crystals in your ear canal got dislodged and are floating around in your ear. Reflexology...

Can Reflexology Really Relieve Gas and Bloating? #GasandBloatingReliefwithReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe

Yes, Reflexology Can Help Relieve Gas and Bloating! Reflexology is a complementary therapy that stimulates natural healing without invasive procedures. By applying pressure with your thumbs and fingers to specific reflex points on the feet, hands, or ears can  relieve...

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