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The Healing Place – Boston-Medfield, Massachusetts USA

The Latest Posts from The Healing Place’s News Blog

Looking for a Noninvasive Method of Healing? Try #FootReflexology! #NonInvasiveMethodofHealing #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Looking for a Noninvasive Method of Healing? Try #FootReflexology! #NonInvasiveMethodofHealing #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

How often have you heard the term foot reflexology but confused it with a foot massage treatment? Foot Reflexology is a scientific art based on the premise that the zones in the feet correspond to all body parts. Each specific point corresponds with a body function....

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You Got Healing Powers in your Fingertips – Try #HandReflexology #HealingWithHandReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

You Got Healing Powers in your Fingertips – Try #HandReflexology #HealingWithHandReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Anyone can apply a self-care approach to activate self-healing with hand reflexology! All it takes is to have nimble fingers, thumbs, and an open mind. Hand reflexology is a simple yet effective therapy that most people find pleasant and relaxing.   Reflexology is a...

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Break the Sick Cycle with #SelfCare #EnergyMedicine #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Break the Sick Cycle with #SelfCare #EnergyMedicine #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

  As humans, we have a natural desire to fix things and make them better, including ourselves and those around us. It can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening when we cannot heal or improve physical or emotional pain.   Frustration can come from...

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#FootReflexology For #DigestiveRelief #PainRelief #HormonalBalance #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

#FootReflexology For #DigestiveRelief #PainRelief #HormonalBalance #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Thinking of next alternative healing to try? Tired of acupuncture needles? Reiki isn't enough? Do you feel out of sort and nothing is calming your nerves? Try Foot Reflexology for pain relief, digestive relieve and balance your hormones naturally.   Healing Place...

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Can’t Lose Weight? Could You be #InsulinResistant! Try #FootReflexologyforDiabetes #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Can’t Lose Weight? Could You be #InsulinResistant! Try #FootReflexologyforDiabetes #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

If you can't lose weight and constantly gaining, but your diet has stayed the same? Are you tired all of the time? Are you always looking for something sweet to eat? You might be insulin resistant because your pancreas can no longer produce enough hormones to support...

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Increase Digestion Function with #FootReflexology #IncreaseDigestiveFunctionwithFoot Reflexology #Foot Reflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Increase Digestion Function with #FootReflexology #IncreaseDigestiveFunctionwithFoot Reflexology #Foot Reflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Does it feel like food is sitting in your stomach for hours after eating? Various factors can cause slow digestion. If you are tired of gas, bloating, and digestion pain, even after small meals, try foot reflexology for digestive pain relief.    There are several...

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Keep Your Aura Whole and Healthy #EnergyMedicine #Mindfulness #ChakraBalancing #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Keep Your Aura Whole and Healthy #EnergyMedicine #Mindfulness #ChakraBalancing #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

How often do you feel out of sorts? You are then easily offended, and your feelings are hurt? You can move that sluggish, blocked energy and protect your aura.   Keep Your Aura Whole and Healthy We are magnetic, energy-charged beings that can detect the slightest...

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Mindfulness Can Be Your Peace of Mind Solution – #EnergyMedicine #MindBodySpirit #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Mindfulness Can Be Your Peace of Mind Solution – #EnergyMedicine #MindBodySpirit #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

  Do you feel lost? Everyone and everything seem to be different, and you don't fit in anymore? The shift has begun, and your energy vibration is changing. Learning to be mindful is one of the keys to helping you to vibrate with high energy.      Mindfulness can...

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Quick Gas and Bloating Relief with Hand Reflexology #GasAndBloating #HandReflexologytoReleaseGasandBloating #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Quick Gas and Bloating Relief with Hand Reflexology #GasAndBloating #HandReflexologytoReleaseGasandBloating #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Do you have constant gas and bloating? No matter what you eat, every bite hurts your digestive system. Try Hand Reflexology to relieve gas and bloating. Gas and bloating are common digestive complaints affecting many people worldwide. Approximately 30% of the general...

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Wonder of Mantras for Reducing Stress and Anxiety #energymedicine #StressandAnxietyEraser #ChakraHealing #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Wonder of Mantras for Reducing Stress and Anxiety #energymedicine #StressandAnxietyEraser #ChakraHealing #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Do you constantly feel anxious and stress? Is your go-to stress and anxiety releases are destructive habits? Have you been looking for ways to calm yourself without investing a lot of time, money and energy? Try reciting mantras for reducing stress and anxiety....

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Are You Looking for a Mind, Body and Spirit Connection? #EnergyMedicine #MindBodySpiritConnection #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Are You Looking for a Mind, Body and Spirit Connection? #EnergyMedicine #MindBodySpiritConnection #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

So many of us live robotic lives where we go through our days without much thought or feelings. We have become disconnected from our mind, body, and spirit and become disillusioned with how we are living. Many people today live in a disconnection from their minds,...

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