Holistic Medicine News
Empower. Teach. Heal.
The Healing Place – Boston-Medfield, Massachusetts USA
The Latest Posts from The Healing Place’s News Blog
Video: #FootReflexology for #Edema #kidneydisease #kidneystones #painrelief #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #wellness
How often do you suffer from excess fluid build up, known as edema, in your body's tissue? Edema can happen not only in your legs, but also in your arms, hands, legs, ankles and feet? Edema can be caused by a medical problems such as congestive heart failure? Liver...
Advanced #HandReflexology for #Flu, #Cold, #COVID, and #Respiratory Support #SelfCare Home Course
COVID is on the rise and may be here for a long time. Is it time to be proactive with your respiratory health? In addition to a healthy diet and getting enough rest, learning 5-minute hand reflexology for respiratory and immune support can make a world of difference...
Do you Need Help to Manage #Stress and #Anxiety in the Workplace? – 5 Video #SelfCare Series #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Do you want to set workplace boundaries? Are you worry about making the wrong decisions? Is your creativity depleted? You can learn easy mindful methods to attract positive outcomes and elevate your workplace presence. Does Your Work Place Have You Constantly...
Empaths Can Live Peacefully with Rule Keepers – #EnergyMedicine #Chakras #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Mindful
As an empath, how often do you get frustrated trying to get along with the rule keeper? Too many rules and no wiggle space cause an uncomfortable interaction while depleting your energy. Empaths and Rule Keepers can co-exist in a peaceful environment, but it takes...
Do you need Pain Relief for #KidneyDisease? Or #KidneyStone? Try #FootReflexology to #StopPain #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #SelfCare #Kidney
Have you heard that Foot Reflexology can help stop kidney disease and kidney stone pain? Many clients at HealingPlaceMedfield have found kidney pain relief in only four - foot reflexology sessions! HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com offers a step-by-step foot reflexology...
Do Your #Chakras Need Healing? 19 Video Chakra Healing #Meditations for Positive #EnergyFlow #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #SelfCare
Why You Need Healthy Chakras for Everything? The word "chakra" has a Hindu root and means "disks" or "wheels." All disks and wheels are energy centers. All living creatures have seven energy centers in the spine, from the tailbone to the head. When energy is flowing...
Do You Need a #Meditation to Dissolve and Heal #Negativity? #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #SelfCare
How often do you find yourself in a negative cycle, and you can't seem to break out? We all get into an ugly rut and feel as though we are stuck. By learning to be mindful, you can talk yourself out of an ugly situation before spiraling into a dark hole. Most of the...
Home Course: #FootReflexology to Relieve #Migraine #Headache, Healing #Meditation #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #SelfCare
Are you tired of your chronic migraine headaches? You can break the pain cycle with the touch of your fingers and thumbs with Foot Reflexology and mindfulness. Chronic Migraine Headaches affect approximately 2% of the world’s population, including children. Migraine...
Advanced #FootReflexology for Deep #Relaxation and E-book – 4 video series #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Selfcare #wellness
You have probably heard of Foot Reflexology, but do you know how Reflexology can support your health? Therapeutic Reflexology is NOT a foot Rub! By stimulating the 15,000 nerve endings on the bottom of the feet can bring balance, create a sense of deep relaxation and...
#Empaths, You Must Stop Absorbing Everyone’s Problems and #Heal Your Gut #DigestiveHealth #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #SelfCare #SelfHeal
Do you find yourself constantly struggling with everyone around you? Do you feel like you are absorbing everyone's problems, even though they are none of your business? Empaths, You Can Stop Absorbing Everyone's Problems and Start to Heal Your Gut! Take Action to...
Chakra 101: Know Your Energy – 12 Videos Course: #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Chakra #SelfCare #EnergyMedicine
There are days you feel up, and then there are days you feel down, and you don't know why either way. You can learn to understand and manage your energy flows with Chakra 101: Know Your Energy in 12 video lessons Activate self-healing through mindful practices by...
#COVID, #COPD, #Respiratory Relief and Support with Advanced Hand #Reflexology plus E-Book #SelfCare #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Course 4: COVID, COPD, Cold, Flu, Respiratory Relief and Support with Video Hand Reflexology plus E-Book: Hand Reflexology Self-Care HealingPlaceEnergySchool Take Steps to Protect Your Respiratory Health with 4-Parts Advanced Hand Reflexology Everyone is afraid of...
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