Holistic Medicine News
Empower. Teach. Heal.
The Healing Place – Boston-Medfield, Massachusetts USA
The Latest Posts from The Healing Place’s News Blog
#FootReflexology Immune Building Clinic is NOW Open #HealingPlaceMedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #SelfCare #SelfHeal #Wellness
If you take supplements to support your immune system consider adding foot reflexology therapy to your health regimen. Reflexology has helped many of our clients get through the winter with minimal or no illnesses with a strong immune system. If you want to know...
Increase #PositiveEnergyFlow with #Laughter – #EnergyMedicine #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #FeelGood
Do you wake up in a bad mood and don't know why? Does the transition into a new season overwhelm your energy flow? Does daytime saving time throw your body into a loop? November marks the beginning of the end of the year, and with the end of the year comes family...
#ReikiHealing – #Empath STOP Absorbing Everyone’s Problem and #Heal Your Gut #emotionalgut #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Reiki Gut Healing Meditation for Empaths Reiki Masters Robin Bornstein and Helen Chin Lui, share their knowledge how they manage stress and anxiety so these emotions do not become the seeds of digestive problems. We end the discussion with a grounding Reiki Healing...
#SelfCare Knowledge – #PainRelief for Repetitive #HandPain #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #HandReflexology
Self-Care for Your Hands for Pain Relief and to Avoid Hand Injury, 2 Video Lessons We Take Our Beautiful Hands For Granted Until They Hurt We assume our hands will always function promptly, especially for those people who use their hands in various trades, such as...
Is Orange a Healthy Skin Tone Color for Feet? Holistic Constipation & Liver Pain Relief #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #selfcare
Check the bottom of your feet. What color is the skin? Pinkish - healthy? Bluish -not good. Also can mean not enough circulation? Orange - not good, toxin buildup? I get concerned whenever I see an orange skin tone on the bottom feet. It can mean that this is the...
#SelfHealing Knowledge Course – What is Reflexology? 2 Video Series #FootReflexology #HandReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
What is Reflexology? Many people think it is a foot rub, but it's NOT! There are healing secrets at the bottom of your feet! Did you know that there are 15,000 nerve endings attached to every body function located in your feet? Stimulating those nerve endings can...
Video: Having #Incontinence problems? Try #FootReflexology for #BladderControl #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Selfcare
Everyone has incontinence problems from time to time. It is annoying and inconvenient. You can support your bladder health with Foot Reflexology. How Can Foot Reflexology Support Your Bladder Health? Focusing on reflexology points of the feet associated with the...
Video: Ear and Hand Reflexology for #PainRelief #Tinnitus and #Dizziness #earreflexology #handreflexology #healingplaceenergyschool
Is Ear Ringing Annoying You? Do you regret listening to music on the LOUDEST volume? Or do you mow the lawn without proper hearing protection? We all take our hearing for granted until it diminishes and you can't hear or follow conversations anymore because of...
Video: Foot and Hand Reflexology to Support Breast Health #breastcancer #selfCare #footreflexology #handreflexology
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the breast. One in 8 women in the USA will develop breast cancer. Support Breast Health with Foot and Hand Reflexology USA 2022 Breast Cancer Statistics...
Video: #FootReflexology for #Edema #kidneydisease #kidneystones #painrelief #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #wellness
How often do you suffer from excess fluid build up, known as edema, in your body's tissue? Edema can happen not only in your legs, but also in your arms, hands, legs, ankles and feet? Edema can be caused by a medical problems such as congestive heart failure? Liver...
Advanced #HandReflexology for #Flu, #Cold, #COVID, and #Respiratory Support #SelfCare Home Course
COVID is on the rise and may be here for a long time. Is it time to be proactive with your respiratory health? In addition to a healthy diet and getting enough rest, learning 5-minute hand reflexology for respiratory and immune support can make a world of difference...
Do you Need Help to Manage #Stress and #Anxiety in the Workplace? – 5 Video #SelfCare Series #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Do you want to set workplace boundaries? Are you worry about making the wrong decisions? Is your creativity depleted? You can learn easy mindful methods to attract positive outcomes and elevate your workplace presence. Does Your Work Place Have You Constantly...
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