Holistic Medicine News

Empower. Teach. Heal.


The Healing Place – Boston-Medfield, Massachusetts USA

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Need Better Digestion? Holistic Digestive Health Course #HydrochloricAcid #Reflexology #Digestion #SelfCare

Need Better Digestion? Holistic Digestive Health Course #HydrochloricAcid #Reflexology #Digestion #SelfCare

You Can Have Better Digestive Functions with Foot Reflexology Many people do not know that their stomach is not making enough digestive acid, Hydrochloric Acid (HCl); this is true if antacids are taken often. HCl is necessary for many bodily functions, significantly...

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Unusual pain while or after exercise? #FootReflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp #GastrointestinalTrack

Unusual pain while or after exercise? #FootReflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp #GastrointestinalTrack

 Your muscles can be in pain after exercise. But shouldn't before.  Are you eating before you exercise? Remember that rule when swimming, after eating you have to wait 30 minutes so you don't get stomach cramps.  But there's SO many other issues that could be causing...

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Feeling the bloat?! #GastrointestinalTract #Stomach #Reflexology #SelfHelp

Feeling the bloat?! #GastrointestinalTract #Stomach #Reflexology #SelfHelp

Having unusually stomach bloating?  Feel like you tried EVERYTHING and don't know what's the cause? Having bloat can cause many factors. Head over to healingplacemedfield.com for more info. Also check out my YouTube channel on how to relieve pain!...

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Can #FootReflexology help with back pain? #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #BackPain #SelfCare

Can #FootReflexology help with back pain? #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #BackPain #SelfCare

Who Suffers From Back Pain? Reflexology can be effective in reducing the severity of chronic back pain. Back pain can affect people of all ages, which is the leading cause of disability, preventing many people from working and participating in daily activities. Many...

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Do You Have a “Kink” in Your Neck that Won’t go away? Try #FootReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Reflexology #Selfcare #neckpainrelief

Do You Have a “Kink” in Your Neck that Won’t go away? Try #FootReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Reflexology #Selfcare #neckpainrelief

You Can Do Something about the Kink in Your Neck with Reflexology Neck pain involves the seven neck vertebrae, also known as the cervical spine. Reflexology can help to relieve neck pain by flexing the neck, shoulders, and solar plexus points. Neck Pain Relief Reflex...

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Invitation to LIVE Ask the Reflexologist – Holistic #DigestiveHealth #footreflexology #wellness #selfcare

Invitation to LIVE Ask the Reflexologist – Holistic #DigestiveHealth #footreflexology #wellness #selfcare

You are invited to  LIVE Ask the Reflexologist - Learning Holistic Digestive Health on Tuesday 8/23/22 at 7pm EST. Did you know that your immune system is as strong as your digestive health? 80% of your immune cells live in your small intestines of your digestive...

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What COULD be causing Your Digestive Discomfort? #Reflexology #SelfHelp #ChronicDigestivePain

What COULD be causing Your Digestive Discomfort? #Reflexology #SelfHelp #ChronicDigestivePain

Having chronic stomach pain? Did you know that various parts of the stomach can cause different types of discomforts? Check out Self-Healing video courses at HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com to learn more about digestive pain!...

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Healing Place
#Digestion Begins in the Mouth? #Reflexology #selfcare #PainRelief
Mindful #Digestion For Health #Nutrition #wellness
Need Better Digestion? Holistic Digestive Health Course #HydrochloricAcid #Reflexology #Digestion #SelfCare
Overcome #Insomnia with #FootReflexology #SelfCare #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #stayasleep
Unusual pain while or after exercise? #FootReflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp #GastrointestinalTrack
Feeling the bloat?! #GastrointestinalTract #Stomach #Reflexology #SelfHelp
Can #FootReflexology help with back pain? #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #BackPain #SelfCare
Have you checked out my YouTube channel?! What are you waiting for!
Do You Have a “Kink” in Your Neck that Won’t go away? Try #FootReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Reflexology #Selfcare #neckpainrelief
Invitation to LIVE Ask the Reflexologist – Holistic #DigestiveHealth #footreflexology #wellness #selfcare
What COULD be causing Your Digestive Discomfort? #Reflexology #SelfHelp #ChronicDigestivePain
#Healing with #SelfCare Prescription –  5 Part Manage #StressandAnxiety Online Course
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
digestive tract Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA